Nearly half of doctors have sourced their own personal protective equipment (PPE) because of a lack of availability through normal NHS channels, according to a survey of front-line staff. A Medical Association survey of more than 16,000 doctors found that, although PPE supplies have improved, more needs to be done. Proud and innovative Irish individuals and companies rose to the occasion by re-tooling and manufacturing PPE at short notice. Let's enable local producers of PPE to get in contact with the medical staff and carers needing it. Register as a user [2], login and place your PPE wanted or PPE offered ad here, search for PPE offered and get connected to solve this problem!
We are not selling Chinese produced PPE here - this is about local producers meeting local buyers. This is a special non-profit part of the site being built just for the SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19 pandemic emergency. This is NOT for Chinese producers or distributors of PPE. No profiteering or price gouging will be allowed. There is no auction system to increase prices for suppliers of PPE, rather there are feedback and abuse systems being built so that any profiteering or price gouging will not be allowed. Fair prices only. Full description of product, location of production and product quality are required. Prices MUST be disclosed on the site, or your ad or product listing will be de-listed! So, you can place free ads - for sale ads (offers) or PPE wanted ads for the PPE you need or are making - for free. People can contact each other by free messaging, e-mail and sms on this site - it's free to use.